Commemorating 125 year of Dr Ida Rolf with Peter Schwind

Describe how Ida’s words have inspired your work and life…

‘The words of Ida Rolf have inspired me on a private level especially when I think back about the time when I was studying music as a Violinist and her work has inspired me to play the Violin differently. On a professional level, I must say that her work has inspired me in a very definite way, more than any other approach that is working with the human body as a therapist.  What I found so great about her concept was, she made it very clear that she liked to take a stance, a very clear stance, on what her own perspective was of the human organism and of human life. But she was always open for new inspiration, new perspectives. I see that never clean in her book here from the 70’s and at the beginning of the book, it is very significate for the thinking of Ida Rolf she makes a very clear statement that people should not believe in authodoctrines. She quotes Buddha and at the end of the quote she says ‘Believe when the writing, doctrine or saying is corroborated by reason and consciousness’. This is so convincing for me because she left work which is not focused around an ideology, she left us work that has to be further developed but respecting the spirt of the founder’.

How does Ida’s work continue to be relevant in the 21st century?

‘There are many dimensions nowadays that make the Rolfing method more important and more valuable in our century then the days of Ida Rolf. Especially because our everyday life loses more and more spontaneous movement. The machines make life very static, and the Rolfing method gives the chance to everybody to find more dynamic movement in our everyday life and our professional life’.

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