
As a Dancer, why did you choose to become a Rolfer®? It was more a series of happenings in my life. If I look at these happenings with the clarity of hindsight what I see is that it was part of my journey in striking the balance between stability and flow.
Dancers are interested in the process of Rolfing® because it provides them with a different experience of their body than their daily training. They regain circulation, flexibility, fluidity, lightness and confidence that they can integrate into their technical and artistic work.
What are the benefits of Rolf Movement™? One of the many genius aspects of Dr Ida Rolf’s legacy is the ‘recipe’; ten sessions that not only ‘resets’ the connective tissue through better organisation and relationship, but also that re-educates the client into understanding their patterns
As a Rolfer®, why did you choose to do the Rolf Movement™ course? The Rolf Movement™ training for me has been a treasure of tools and ways of working that I could immediately apply in my Rolfing® practice.
As a Rolfer®, why did you choose to do the Rolf Movement™ course? When I first studied Rolfing® I was so fascinated by how my teachers talked about movement and how they themselves moved.
As someone who practices Yoga, why did you choose to become a Rolfer®?
Warum haben Sie sich als Yoga-Praktizierende entschieden, Rolfer® zu werden? Rückenprobleme führten mich zu Yoga, Knieschmerzen zu Rolfing. Die Beweglichkeit meiner Wirbelsäule war stark eingeschränkt und mein Arzt empfahl mir, mit Yoga zu beginnen.
A Rolfing Movement™ approach for self-care for the spine.
Watch Briah Anson, Certified Rolfer™ from the USA, explains what Rolfing® is and how it can benefit you.
Watch this video to hear first-hand, from Peter and Juan, what this incredible Advanced Rolfing® Training is all about.